Friday, October 10, 2008

Super Powered!

So I'm on the subway this morning, and once again I managed to find a seat next to a man (and they are always men) who believed that it was his god-given right to sit with at least, oh, three feet between the inside of his left knee and the inside of his right knee. It always makes me wonder, what do mothers nag their sons about? Because I would never even think about sitting in a public place with more than three inches between the insides of my knees, thanks to a childhood which included many disapproving comments from my mother about my habit of sitting with one leg draped over each arm of our living room easy-chair; comments that included frequent use of the term "lady-like."

I sat there next to spread-eagle man trying to fit my tote bag into the few inches left available to me on the floor of the subway car, and wished that I had a super power that would somehow clamp this guys knees together. That would be cool, I thought.

Which led me to muse about what other superpowers would be useful in navigating through the course of my day. I'm not greedy. I don't need X-Ray vision, or super-strength, or a GPS gadget that would show George Clooney's location. (Funny how he keeps popping up.) No, they'd be super-powers that wouldn't injure anyone (at least not permanently) or lead to war or famine, or enable me to sneak into showrooms filled with expensive jewels.

So, let's start a list. What's your superpower wish?


  1. They do it as a territorial move and to make what they believe to be necessary breathing room for the jewels. If an adjacent seat is the only one available, I sit right down and open my legs as well. The offender will then usually close his legs enough to avoid contact. But a woman might get a different reaction.

    The power to inflict a splitting headache would be harmless but very useful.

  2. Inconsiderate... with a power of teleportation(minus the smell of sulfar), "I don't need no stinking trains"
